Форумы мира Хаддан

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GRENZGAENGER 10.11.2014 23:12

"��� ����� ���", �������� -_-Dimon13-_- �, ����������� ���� ����� ���������� �����, ��������� ������� �������� ������ ���� ����. ��� ��� ���� �����. ��-��. ����npc -222 [1/6], -_-Dimon13-_- +11 [1073/1073]
20:15:39 ���������� ����npc ��������� ������� ����� � ������� ����� ����� ���� ���������, �� -_-Dimon13-_- ��� ����� ���������� � ������� �, �������� �� ����, ������� ����� � ��������� ������ ������ �������. ����npc -217 [1/6], -_-Dimon13-_- +11 [1073/1073] это история боя

GRENZGAENGER 10.11.2014 23:14

как подсказали на инглише пишется хотябы

GRENZGAENGER 10.11.2014 23:15


Context info for the following error/warning:
Error: 256, Write multi-query failed (2):
SET @log_stat_mode = 'exhausted'; DELETE FROM thing WHERE thingid=694259352 AND userid=0 AND NOT @hasmore; SET @log_stat_mode = NULL;
With result:
Illegal mix of collations (cp1251_general_ci,IMPLICIT) and (latin1_swedish_ci,IMPLICIT) for operation '='
in /var/www/haddan/core/library/db_fns.php, 332

Backtrace: {
file: /var/www/haddan/core/library/db_fns.php, 332
call: trigger_error("Write multi-query failed (2):

SET @log_stat_mode = 'exhausted';
DELETE FROM thing WHERE thingid=694259352 AND userid=0 AND ...", 256)

file: /var/www/haddan/core/library/db_fns.php, 311
call: db_trigger_error("Write multi-query failed (2):

SET @log_stat_mode = 'exhausted';
DELETE FROM thing WHERE thingid=694259352 AND userid=0 AND ...", "Illegal mix of collations (cp1251_general_ci,IMPLICIT) and (latin1_swedish_ci,IMPLICIT) for operation '='", 256)

file: /var/www/haddan/core/library/Person.php, 2311
call: db_multiquery_write("
SET @log_stat_mode = 'exhausted';
DELETE FROM thing WHERE thingid=694259352 AND userid=0 AND NOT @hasmore;
SET @log_stat_mode =...")

file: /var/www/haddan/core/library/Person.php, 2235
call: Person->drink(Object(Thing), Array(2))

file: /var/www/htdocs/inv/inv.php, 1410
call: Person::drinkMyThing(Array(4), Object(Thing))

file: /var/www/htdocs/inv/inv.php, 412
call: drinkThing(Array(4))

file: /var/www/htdocs/inv/inv.php, 111
call: processInventoryPost(Array(4))
    [querytext] => Write multi-query failed (2):

SET @log_stat_mode = 'exhausted';
DELETE FROM thing WHERE thingid=694259352 AND userid=0 AND NOT @hasmore;
SET @log_stat_mode = NULL;

    [error] => Illegal mix of collations (cp1251_general_ci,IMPLICIT) and (latin1_swedish_ci,IMPLICIT) for operation '='
    [type] => 256

Захотел выпить святой воды получил нечитсь такую

а это из за руника

Context info for the following error/warning:
Error: 256, Write multi-query failed (2):
SET @log_stat_mode = 'exhausted'; DELETE FROM thing WHERE thingid=696297390 AND userid=0 AND NOT @hasmore; SET @log_stat_mode = NULL;
With result:
Illegal mix of collations (cp1251_general_ci,IMPLICIT) and (latin1_swedish_ci,IMPLICIT) for operation '='
in /var/www/haddan/core/library/db_fns.php, 332

Backtrace: {
file: /var/www/haddan/core/library/db_fns.php, 332
call: trigger_error("Write multi-query failed (2):

SET @log_stat_mode = 'exhausted';
DELETE FROM thing WHERE thingid=696297390 AND userid=0 AND ...", 256)

file: /var/www/haddan/core/library/db_fns.php, 311
call: db_trigger_error("Write multi-query failed (2):

SET @log_stat_mode = 'exhausted';
DELETE FROM thing WHERE thingid=696297390 AND userid=0 AND ...", "Illegal mix of collations (cp1251_general_ci,IMPLICIT) and (latin1_swedish_ci,IMPLICIT) for operation '='", 256)

file: /var/www/haddan/core/library/Person.php, 2311
call: db_multiquery_write("
SET @log_stat_mode = 'exhausted';
DELETE FROM thing WHERE thingid=696297390 AND userid=0 AND NOT @hasmore;
SET @log_stat_mode =...")

file: /var/www/haddan/core/library/Person.php, 2235
call: Person->drink(Object(Thing), Array(2))

file: /var/www/htdocs/inv/inv.php, 1410
call: Person::drinkMyThing(Array(4), Object(Thing))

file: /var/www/htdocs/inv/inv.php, 412
call: drinkThing(Array(4))

file: /var/www/htdocs/inv/inv.php, 111
call: processInventoryPost(Array(4))
    [querytext] => Write multi-query failed (2):

SET @log_stat_mode = 'exhausted';
DELETE FROM thing WHERE thingid=696297390 AND userid=0 AND NOT @hasmore;
SET @log_stat_mode = NULL;

    [error] => Illegal mix of collations (cp1251_general_ci,IMPLICIT) and (latin1_swedish_ci,IMPLICIT) for operation '='
    [type] => 256

Зимняя сказка 10.11.2014 23:22

Я еще оказывается не замужем :eek: :eek: :crazy:

И завяка все еще висит :wall:

GRENZGAENGER 10.11.2014 23:23

эли покупаютсяь по 1 если покупать через "купить много"

NeutroN 10.11.2014 23:24

при потреблении любого эля

Context info for the following error/warning:
Error: 256, Write multi-query failed (2):
SET @log_stat_mode = 'exhausted'; DELETE FROM thing WHERE thingid=698871063 AND userid=0 AND NOT @hasmore; SET @log_stat_mode = NULL;
With result:
Illegal mix of collations (cp1251_general_ci,IMPLICIT) and (latin1_swedish_ci,IMPLICIT) for operation '='
in /var/www/haddan/core/library/db_fns.php, 332

Backtrace: {
file: /var/www/haddan/core/library/db_fns.php, 332
call: trigger_error("Write multi-query failed (2):

SET @log_stat_mode = 'exhausted';
DELETE FROM thing WHERE thingid=698871063 AND userid=0 AND ...", 256)

file: /var/www/haddan/core/library/db_fns.php, 311
call: db_trigger_error("Write multi-query failed (2):

SET @log_stat_mode = 'exhausted';
DELETE FROM thing WHERE thingid=698871063 AND userid=0 AND ...", "Illegal mix of collations (cp1251_general_ci,IMPLICIT) and (latin1_swedish_ci,IMPLICIT) for operation '='", 256)

file: /var/www/haddan/core/library/Person.php, 2311
call: db_multiquery_write("
SET @log_stat_mode = 'exhausted';
DELETE FROM thing WHERE thingid=698871063 AND userid=0 AND NOT @hasmore;
SET @log_stat_mode =...")

file: /var/www/haddan/core/library/Person.php, 2235
call: Person->drink(Object(Thing), Array(2))

file: /var/www/htdocs/inv/inv.php, 1410
call: Person::drinkMyThing(Array(4), Object(Thing))

file: /var/www/htdocs/inv/inv.php, 412
call: drinkThing(Array(4))

file: /var/www/htdocs/inv/inv.php, 111
call: processInventoryPost(Array(4))
    [querytext] => Write multi-query failed (2):

SET @log_stat_mode = 'exhausted';
DELETE FROM thing WHERE thingid=698871063 AND userid=0 AND NOT @hasmore;
SET @log_stat_mode = NULL;

    [error] => Illegal mix of collations (cp1251_general_ci,IMPLICIT) and (latin1_swedish_ci,IMPLICIT) for operation '='
    [type] => 256

-DiPe- 10.11.2014 23:25

1. проблема с русской кодировкой в чате и боях (истории пустые, но во время боя иногда проскакивают раунды с номральной кодировкой)

Некорректно отображаются кланы и должности, когда открываешь список кланов в библиотеке (как я понял только те, что на русском)

2. проблема с эликами при употреблении (шампусик нормально пьется)
3. срок годности вещей
4. вещи на базаре покупаются с вечным ожиданием (из банка берутся тоже)
5. капча не пашет
6. при попытке выкинуть ресы выдает длинную ошибку, как с элями


Context info for the following error/warning:
Error: 1024, Write multi-query failed (1):
CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE thingstothrowaway TYPE=HEAP SELECT t.thingid FROM thing t /*INNER JOIN thingtype tt ON t.thingtypeid=tt.thingtypeid*/ WHERE t.thingid='693757698' AND t.userid='850038' AND (t.clan = '' OR t.clan='850038') /*AND NOT FIND_IN_SET('clan', tt.tflags)*/ AND t.place='inv' AND t.placeid=0 LIMIT 1; UPDATE thingstothrowaway INNER JOIN thing USING(thingid) SET userid=0, place='room', placetime=NOW(), placeid=16842752; REPLACE INTO thingvisibility (thingid, userid, roomid) SELECT thingid, 850038, 16842752 FROM thingstothrowaway; SELECT COUNT(*), GROUP_CONCAT(thingid) INTO @cnt, @thingids FROM thingstothrowaway;
With result:
You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'TYPE=HEAP SELECT t.thingid FROM thing t /*INNER JOIN thingtype tt ON t.thing' at line 1
in /var/www/haddan/core/library/db_fns.php, 329

Backtrace: {
file: /var/www/haddan/core/library/db_fns.php, 329
call: trigger_error("Write multi-query failed (1):

SELECT t.thingid
FROM thing t
/*INNER J...")

file: /var/www/haddan/core/library/db_fns.php, 305
call: db_trigger_error("Write multi-query failed (1):

SELECT t.thingid
FROM thing t
/*INNER J...", "You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use...", 256)

file: /var/www/htdocs/inv/inv.php, 632
call: db_multiquery_write("CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE thingstothrowaway TYPE=HEAP
SELECT t.thingid
FROM thing t
/*INNER JOIN thingtype tt ON t.thingtypeid=...")

file: /var/www/htdocs/inv/inv.php, 391
call: throwAwayThing(Array(4))

file: /var/www/htdocs/inv/inv.php, 111
call: processInventoryPost(Array(4))
    [querytext] => Write multi-query failed (1):

SELECT t.thingid
FROM thing t
/*INNER JOIN thingtype tt ON t.thingtypeid=tt.thingtypeid*/
WHERE t.thingid='693757698' AND t.userid='850038' AND (t.clan = '' OR t.clan='850038') /*AND NOT FIND_IN_SET('clan', tt.tflags)*/ AND t.place='inv' AND t.placeid=0

UPDATE thingstothrowaway
INNER JOIN thing USING(thingid)
SET userid=0, place='room', placetime=NOW(), placeid=16842752;

REPLACE INTO thingvisibility (thingid, userid, roomid)
SELECT thingid, 850038, 16842752
FROM thingstothrowaway;

SELECT COUNT(*), GROUP_CONCAT(thingid) INTO @cnt, @thingids FROM thingstothrowaway;

    [error] => You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'TYPE=HEAP
SELECT t.thingid
FROM thing t
/*INNER JOIN thingtype tt ON t.thing' at line 1
    [type] => 256

Context info for the following error/warning:
Error: 256, Write multi-query failed (1):
CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE thingstothrowaway TYPE=HEAP SELECT t.thingid FROM thing t /*INNER JOIN thingtype tt ON t.thingtypeid=tt.thingtypeid*/ WHERE t.thingid='693757698' AND t.userid='850038' AND (t.clan = '' OR t.clan='850038') /*AND NOT FIND_IN_SET('clan', tt.tflags)*/ AND t.place='inv' AND t.placeid=0 LIMIT 1; UPDATE thingstothrowaway INNER JOIN thing USING(thingid) SET userid=0, place='room', placetime=NOW(), placeid=16842752; REPLACE INTO thingvisibility (thingid, userid, roomid) SELECT thingid, 850038, 16842752 FROM thingstothrowaway; SELECT COUNT(*), GROUP_CONCAT(thingid) INTO @cnt, @thingids FROM thingstothrowaway;
With result:
You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'TYPE=HEAP SELECT t.thingid FROM thing t /*INNER JOIN thingtype tt ON t.thing' at line 1
in /var/www/haddan/core/library/db_fns.php, 332

Backtrace: {
file: /var/www/haddan/core/library/db_fns.php, 332
call: trigger_error("Write multi-query failed (1):

SELECT t.thingid
FROM thing t
/*INNER J...", 256)

file: /var/www/haddan/core/library/db_fns.php, 305
call: db_trigger_error("Write multi-query failed (1):

SELECT t.thingid
FROM thing t
/*INNER J...", "You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use...", 256)

file: /var/www/htdocs/inv/inv.php, 632
call: db_multiquery_write("CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE thingstothrowaway TYPE=HEAP
SELECT t.thingid
FROM thing t
/*INNER JOIN thingtype tt ON t.thingtypeid=...")

file: /var/www/htdocs/inv/inv.php, 391
call: throwAwayThing(Array(4))

file: /var/www/htdocs/inv/inv.php, 111
call: processInventoryPost(Array(4))
    [querytext] => Write multi-query failed (1):

SELECT t.thingid
FROM thing t
/*INNER JOIN thingtype tt ON t.thingtypeid=tt.thingtypeid*/
WHERE t.thingid='693757698' AND t.userid='850038' AND (t.clan = '' OR t.clan='850038') /*AND NOT FIND_IN_SET('clan', tt.tflags)*/ AND t.place='inv' AND t.placeid=0

UPDATE thingstothrowaway
INNER JOIN thing USING(thingid)
SET userid=0, place='room', placetime=NOW(), placeid=16842752;

REPLACE INTO thingvisibility (thingid, userid, roomid)
SELECT thingid, 850038, 16842752
FROM thingstothrowaway;

SELECT COUNT(*), GROUP_CONCAT(thingid) INTO @cnt, @thingids FROM thingstothrowaway;

    [error] => You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'TYPE=HEAP
SELECT t.thingid
FROM thing t
/*INNER JOIN thingtype tt ON t.thing' at line 1
    [type] => 256

7. Боты долго убиваются (остается 1 или 2 хп)
8. Проблемы с отображением информации о персонаже у персонажей (помойму связано с html инфой)
9. Товары у ботов не покупаются массово, только по 1 штуке (при чем деньги за покупку не снимают)
На ауке деньги снимает, на базаре вроде тоже нет

GRENZGAENGER 10.11.2014 23:26

ну а терь тестовый серв лег

Verum Virtus 10.11.2014 23:27

В магазине Али при заходе на ссылку Раритеты:
(Другие вкладки магазина Али работают)


Context info for the following error/warning:
Error: 1024, Write multi-query failed (1):
CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE `cnv` ( `id` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL, `fld` set('unique','rare','artefact','quest','goldcoins','clan','npc','nolib','nodamage','retired','diamondcoins','active','sell4gold','binded','nodurable') NOT NULL default '' ) TYPE=HEAP SELECT 1 AS `id`, 'goldcoins' AS `fld`; SET @set_num := (SELECT `fld`+0 FROM `cnv` WHERE `id`=1); DROP TEMPORARY TABLE `cnv`
With result:
You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'TYPE=HEAP SELECT 1 AS `id`, 'goldcoins' AS `fld`; SET @set_num := (SELECT `f' at line 4
in /var/www/haddan/core/library/db_fns.php, 329

Backtrace: {
file: /var/www/haddan/core/library/db_fns.php, 329
call: trigger_error("Write multi-query failed (1):

`id` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL,
`fld` set('unique','rare','ar...")

file: /var/www/haddan/core/library/db_fns.php, 305
call: db_trigger_error("Write multi-query failed (1):

`id` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL,
`fld` set('unique','rare','ar...", "You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use...", 256)

file: /var/www/haddan/core/library/BonReq.php, 619
call: db_multiquery_write("CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE `cnv` (
`id` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL,
`fld` set('unique','rare','artefact','quest','goldcoins','clan'...")

file: /var/www/haddan/core/library/BonReq.php(48) : eval()'d code, 1
call: BRBase::make_sql_set("goldcoins", "thingtype", "tflags")

file: /var/www/haddan/core/library/BonReq.php, 48
call: eval()

file: /var/www/haddan/core/library/BonReq.php, 940
call: BRBase::_getVal("
file: /var/www/haddan/core/library/BonReq.php, 1467
call: Bon->_initFromString("filter.flags:
file: /var/www/haddan/core/library/BonReq.php, 1448
call: Bon::_initBonuses("x.fixedprices: 1;
filter.type: 'wear_necklace...", Array(1))

file: /var/www/haddan/core/library/BonReq.php, 1601
call: Bon::_initBonusesEx("x.fixedprices: 1;
filter.type: 'wear_necklace...", Array(1))

file: /var/www/haddan/core/library/BonReq.php, 1575
call: BonReqs->initFromArray(Array(13), Null)

file: /var/www/haddan/core/roomfunc/shop_helper.php, 92
call: BonReqs::createFromArray(Array(13), "UPDATE `shop_dpt` SET `brcache`='%CACHE%' WHERE `dptid`='28'")

file: /var/www/haddan/core/roomfunc/shop_helper.php, 202
call: shopDptSelect(-1, 28, Array(7), False)

file: /var/www/htdocs/room/func/shop.php, 39
call: shopMain(Array(7))
    [querytext] => Write multi-query failed (1):

`id` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL,
`fld` set('unique','rare','artefact','quest','goldcoins','clan','npc','nolib','nodamage','retired','diamondcoins','active','sell4gold','binded','nodurable') NOT NULL default ''
SELECT 1 AS `id`, 'goldcoins' AS `fld`;

SET @set_num := (SELECT `fld`+0 FROM `cnv` WHERE `id`=1);

    [error] => You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'TYPE=HEAP
SELECT 1 AS `id`, 'goldcoins' AS `fld`;

SET @set_num := (SELECT `f' at line 4
    [type] => 256

Context info for the following error/warning:
Error: 256, Write multi-query failed (1):
CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE `cnv` ( `id` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL, `fld` set('unique','rare','artefact','quest','goldcoins','clan','npc','nolib','nodamage','retired','diamondcoins','active','sell4gold','binded','nodurable') NOT NULL default '' ) TYPE=HEAP SELECT 1 AS `id`, 'goldcoins' AS `fld`; SET @set_num := (SELECT `fld`+0 FROM `cnv` WHERE `id`=1); DROP TEMPORARY TABLE `cnv`
With result:
You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'TYPE=HEAP SELECT 1 AS `id`, 'goldcoins' AS `fld`; SET @set_num := (SELECT `f' at line 4
in /var/www/haddan/core/library/db_fns.php, 332

Backtrace: {
file: /var/www/haddan/core/library/db_fns.php, 332
call: trigger_error("Write multi-query failed (1):

`id` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL,
`fld` set('unique','rare','ar...", 256)

file: /var/www/haddan/core/library/db_fns.php, 305
call: db_trigger_error("Write multi-query failed (1):

`id` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL,
`fld` set('unique','rare','ar...", "You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use...", 256)

file: /var/www/haddan/core/library/BonReq.php, 619
call: db_multiquery_write("CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE `cnv` (
`id` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL,
`fld` set('unique','rare','artefact','quest','goldcoins','clan'...")

file: /var/www/haddan/core/library/BonReq.php(48) : eval()'d code, 1
call: BRBase::make_sql_set("goldcoins", "thingtype", "tflags")

file: /var/www/haddan/core/library/BonReq.php, 48
call: eval()

file: /var/www/haddan/core/library/BonReq.php, 940
call: BRBase::_getVal("
file: /var/www/haddan/core/library/BonReq.php, 1467
call: Bon->_initFromString("filter.flags:
file: /var/www/haddan/core/library/BonReq.php, 1448
call: Bon::_initBonuses("x.fixedprices: 1;
filter.type: 'wear_necklace...", Array(1))

file: /var/www/haddan/core/library/BonReq.php, 1601
call: Bon::_initBonusesEx("x.fixedprices: 1;
filter.type: 'wear_necklace...", Array(1))

file: /var/www/haddan/core/library/BonReq.php, 1575
call: BonReqs->initFromArray(Array(13), Null)

file: /var/www/haddan/core/roomfunc/shop_helper.php, 92
call: BonReqs::createFromArray(Array(13), "UPDATE `shop_dpt` SET `brcache`='%CACHE%' WHERE `dptid`='28'")

file: /var/www/haddan/core/roomfunc/shop_helper.php, 202
call: shopDptSelect(-1, 28, Array(7), False)

file: /var/www/htdocs/room/func/shop.php, 39
call: shopMain(Array(7))
    [querytext] => Write multi-query failed (1):

`id` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL,
`fld` set('unique','rare','artefact','quest','goldcoins','clan','npc','nolib','nodamage','retired','diamondcoins','active','sell4gold','binded','nodurable') NOT NULL default ''
SELECT 1 AS `id`, 'goldcoins' AS `fld`;

SET @set_num := (SELECT `fld`+0 FROM `cnv` WHERE `id`=1);

    [error] => You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'TYPE=HEAP
SELECT 1 AS `id`, 'goldcoins' AS `fld`;

SET @set_num := (SELECT `f' at line 4
    [type] => 256

Хотя в магазинах и пишет подождите, пожалуйста... но вещи покупаются, то есть появляются в инвентаре.

Не отображается картинка с вопросом в храме. В тараканах тоже. Предполагаю, что и в шахте.

Неправильная кодировка в бою.

В деревне Маоли в баре (да и в городском тоже) при загрузке вкладки Эксклюзив выдает код:


Context info for the following error/warning:
Error: 1024, Write multi-query failed (1):
CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE `cnv` ( `id` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL, `fld` set('unique','rare','artefact','quest','goldcoins','clan','npc','nolib','nodamage','retired','diamondcoins','active','sell4gold','binded','nodurable') NOT NULL default '' ) TYPE=HEAP SELECT 1 AS `id`, 'goldcoins' AS `fld`; SET @set_num := (SELECT `fld`+0 FROM `cnv` WHERE `id`=1); DROP TEMPORARY TABLE `cnv`
With result:
You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'TYPE=HEAP SELECT 1 AS `id`, 'goldcoins' AS `fld`; SET @set_num := (SELECT `f' at line 4
in /var/www/haddan/core/library/db_fns.php, 329

Backtrace: {
file: /var/www/haddan/core/library/db_fns.php, 329
call: trigger_error("Write multi-query failed (1):

`id` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL,
`fld` set('unique','rare','ar...")

file: /var/www/haddan/core/library/db_fns.php, 305
call: db_trigger_error("Write multi-query failed (1):

`id` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL,
`fld` set('unique','rare','ar...", "You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use...", 256)

file: /var/www/haddan/core/library/BonReq.php, 619
call: db_multiquery_write("CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE `cnv` (
`id` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL,
`fld` set('unique','rare','artefact','quest','goldcoins','clan'...")

file: /var/www/haddan/core/library/BonReq.php(48) : eval()'d code, 1
call: BRBase::make_sql_set("goldcoins", "thingtype", "tflags")

file: /var/www/haddan/core/library/BonReq.php, 48
call: eval()

file: /var/www/haddan/core/library/BonReq.php, 940
call: BRBase::_getVal("
file: /var/www/haddan/core/library/BonReq.php, 1467
call: Bon->_initFromString("filter.flags:
file: /var/www/haddan/core/library/BonReq.php, 1448
call: Bon::_initBonuses("x.fixedprices: 1;
file: /var/www/haddan/core/library/BonReq.php, 1601
call: Bon::_initBonusesEx("x.fixedprices: 1;
file: /var/www/haddan/core/library/BonReq.php, 1575
call: BonReqs->initFromArray(Array(13), Null)

file: /var/www/haddan/core/roomfunc/shop_helper.php, 92
call: BonReqs::createFromArray(Array(13), "UPDATE `shop_dpt` SET `brcache`='%CACHE%' WHERE `dptid`='31'")

file: /var/www/haddan/core/roomfunc/shop_helper.php, 202
call: shopDptSelect(-2, 31, Array(7), False)

file: /var/www/htdocs/room/func/shop.php, 39
call: shopMain(Array(7))
    [querytext] => Write multi-query failed (1):

`id` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL,
`fld` set('unique','rare','artefact','quest','goldcoins','clan','npc','nolib','nodamage','retired','diamondcoins','active','sell4gold','binded','nodurable') NOT NULL default ''
SELECT 1 AS `id`, 'goldcoins' AS `fld`;

SET @set_num := (SELECT `fld`+0 FROM `cnv` WHERE `id`=1);

    [error] => You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'TYPE=HEAP
SELECT 1 AS `id`, 'goldcoins' AS `fld`;

SET @set_num := (SELECT `f' at line 4
    [type] => 256

Context info for the following error/warning:
Error: 256, Write multi-query failed (1):
CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE `cnv` ( `id` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL, `fld` set('unique','rare','artefact','quest','goldcoins','clan','npc','nolib','nodamage','retired','diamondcoins','active','sell4gold','binded','nodurable') NOT NULL default '' ) TYPE=HEAP SELECT 1 AS `id`, 'goldcoins' AS `fld`; SET @set_num := (SELECT `fld`+0 FROM `cnv` WHERE `id`=1); DROP TEMPORARY TABLE `cnv`
With result:
You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'TYPE=HEAP SELECT 1 AS `id`, 'goldcoins' AS `fld`; SET @set_num := (SELECT `f' at line 4
in /var/www/haddan/core/library/db_fns.php, 332

Backtrace: {
file: /var/www/haddan/core/library/db_fns.php, 332
call: trigger_error("Write multi-query failed (1):

`id` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL,
`fld` set('unique','rare','ar...", 256)

file: /var/www/haddan/core/library/db_fns.php, 305
call: db_trigger_error("Write multi-query failed (1):

`id` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL,
`fld` set('unique','rare','ar...", "You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use...", 256)

file: /var/www/haddan/core/library/BonReq.php, 619
call: db_multiquery_write("CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE `cnv` (
`id` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL,
`fld` set('unique','rare','artefact','quest','goldcoins','clan'...")

file: /var/www/haddan/core/library/BonReq.php(48) : eval()'d code, 1
call: BRBase::make_sql_set("goldcoins", "thingtype", "tflags")

file: /var/www/haddan/core/library/BonReq.php, 48
call: eval()

file: /var/www/haddan/core/library/BonReq.php, 940
call: BRBase::_getVal("
file: /var/www/haddan/core/library/BonReq.php, 1467
call: Bon->_initFromString("filter.flags:
file: /var/www/haddan/core/library/BonReq.php, 1448
call: Bon::_initBonuses("x.fixedprices: 1;
file: /var/www/haddan/core/library/BonReq.php, 1601
call: Bon::_initBonusesEx("x.fixedprices: 1;
file: /var/www/haddan/core/library/BonReq.php, 1575
call: BonReqs->initFromArray(Array(13), Null)

file: /var/www/haddan/core/roomfunc/shop_helper.php, 92
call: BonReqs::createFromArray(Array(13), "UPDATE `shop_dpt` SET `brcache`='%CACHE%' WHERE `dptid`='31'")

file: /var/www/haddan/core/roomfunc/shop_helper.php, 202
call: shopDptSelect(-2, 31, Array(7), False)

file: /var/www/htdocs/room/func/shop.php, 39
call: shopMain(Array(7))
    [querytext] => Write multi-query failed (1):

`id` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL,
`fld` set('unique','rare','artefact','quest','goldcoins','clan','npc','nolib','nodamage','retired','diamondcoins','active','sell4gold','binded','nodurable') NOT NULL default ''
SELECT 1 AS `id`, 'goldcoins' AS `fld`;

SET @set_num := (SELECT `fld`+0 FROM `cnv` WHERE `id`=1);

    [error] => You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'TYPE=HEAP
SELECT 1 AS `id`, 'goldcoins' AS `fld`;

SET @set_num := (SELECT `f' at line 4
    [type] => 256

При выходе из теста через крестик - выдает код:


Context info for the following error/warning:
Error: 256, Read query failed:
CALL SessionDestroyByUserid(90028)
With result:
Illegal mix of collations (cp1251_general_ci,IMPLICIT) and (latin1_swedish_ci,IMPLICIT) for operation '='
in /var/www/haddan/core/library/db_fns.php, 332

Backtrace: {
file: /var/www/haddan/core/library/db_fns.php, 332
call: trigger_error("Read query failed:

CALL SessionDestroyByUserid(90028)

With result:

Illegal mix of collations (cp1251_general_ci,IMPL...", 256)

file: /var/www/haddan/core/library/db_fns.php, 201
call: db_trigger_error("Read query failed:

CALL SessionDestroyByUserid(90028)", "Illegal mix of collations (cp1251_general_ci,IMPLICIT) and (latin1_swedish_ci,IMPLICIT) for operation '='", 256)

file: /var/www/haddan/core/library/db_fns.php, 226
call: db_query_read("CALL SessionDestroyByUserid(90028)")

file: /var/www/haddan/core/library/session_apc.php, 427
call: db_query_onerow("CALL SessionDestroyByUserid(90028)")

file: /var/www/haddan/core/library/session_apc.php, 423
call: session::destroySession(90028)

file: /var/www/haddan/core/library/session_apc.php, 565
call: session->_destroy("noo80vrprntb2421urtvtrf3f7")

file: ,
call: session::s_destroy("noo80vrprntb2421urtvtrf3f7")

file: /var/www/htdocs/logout.php, 17
call: session_destroy()
    [querytext] => Read query failed:

CALL SessionDestroyByUserid(90028)
    [error] => Illegal mix of collations (cp1251_general_ci,IMPLICIT) and (latin1_swedish_ci,IMPLICIT) for operation '='
    [type] => 256

BIGF00T 10.11.2014 23:28

1. При покупке в баре чего-нибудь в чат не идут сообщения о покупке.
2. Многие шмотки имеют сроки годности и они просрочены, скажем, равновес, скорики и т.п.
3. Капча не пашет)
4. Не отображаются медальки и бонусы, типа Урхи, Танка и т.п. в инфе перса. Возможно и не работают при этом.
5. При нажатии на кнопку "Выход" из игры получаем ...


Context info for the following error/warning:
Error: 256, Read query failed:
CALL SessionDestroyByUserid(861126)
With result:
Illegal mix of collations (cp1251_general_ci,IMPLICIT) and (latin1_swedish_ci,IMPLICIT) for operation '='
in /var/www/haddan/core/library/db_fns.php, 332

Backtrace: {
file: /var/www/haddan/core/library/db_fns.php, 332
call: trigger_error("Read query failed:

CALL SessionDestroyByUserid(861126)

With result:

Illegal mix of collations (cp1251_general_ci,IMP...", 256)

file: /var/www/haddan/core/library/db_fns.php, 201
call: db_trigger_error("Read query failed:

CALL SessionDestroyByUserid(861126)", "Illegal mix of collations (cp1251_general_ci,IMPLICIT) and (latin1_swedish_ci,IMPLICIT) for operation '='", 256)

file: /var/www/haddan/core/library/db_fns.php, 226
call: db_query_read("CALL SessionDestroyByUserid(861126)")

file: /var/www/haddan/core/library/session_apc.php, 427
call: db_query_onerow("CALL SessionDestroyByUserid(861126)")

file: /var/www/haddan/core/library/session_apc.php, 423
call: session::destroySession(861126)

file: /var/www/haddan/core/library/session_apc.php, 565
call: session->_destroy("lo0dtq388nfsv9d6j99rd4oet0")

file: ,
call: session::s_destroy("lo0dtq388nfsv9d6j99rd4oet0")

file: /var/www/htdocs/logout.php, 17
call: session_destroy()
    [querytext] => Read query failed:

CALL SessionDestroyByUserid(861126)
    [error] => Illegal mix of collations (cp1251_general_ci,IMPLICIT) and (latin1_swedish_ci,IMPLICIT) for operation '='
    [type] => 256

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